Jetpack has everything you need

Client Relationships

A CRM, communications manager, personal assistant, and rolodex, all deeply integrated on one single platform.

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Integrated CRM.
Keep your client relationships personalized while saving hours daily.
Email Communications.
A modern email interface with intuitive tools like schedule sending and trip-based filters.
Smart Reminders.
Set reminders and receive notifications so you never miss a beat with your clients' requests.
Fast Automations.
Email marketing automations, read receipts, and more supported in-line.
Contact Types.
Keep track of who's who with a modern rolodex. Sort and filter contacts by type.
Neat Stats.
Useful analytics and data to optimize your workflow and understand how you best serve clients.

Jetpack rethinks how advisors and agencies run their businesses.

Take a look for yourself by booking a demo with our dedicated team.

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Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our team.

What email providers are supported?
We support Gmail and Outlook email out of the box with additional providers available by custom implementation.
Can I import my existing contacts from Clientbase and other platforms?
Yes, we can import contacts and client profiles from Clientbase and even your phonebook.
Do emails integrate with my contacts?
Yes! You can see emails as they come in from your existing contacts and create new contacts right from the email itself.